Mining Services

Our certified mechanics, specialized in CAT and Komatsu equipment, have the expertise to assemble any CAT and Komatsu component according to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications. This includes engines, transmissions, torque converters, wheel stations/final drives, differentials, pumps, cylinders, and more.

At Grixcon Mining, we take pride in our team of highly skilled on-site mechanics, each of whom is an expert in their respective field. They are well-prepared to troubleshoot and diagnose issues with your machinery, regardless of the mine’s location or depth. We recognize that your operations may cover extensive distances and depths, and we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

With our comprehensive capabilities, we are ready to address your requirements promptly and effectively.

We specialize in the following machinery:

Rebuilds that we carry out quite often as per our contract with our current customer base.

Haul Truck and ADT

CAT & Komatsu Dozers

CAT & Komatsu Front End Loaders

CAT & Komatsu Excavators

CAT Final Drive 

CAT & Komatsu Transmission

CAT Torque Converter 

CAT Brake Group 

Let’s Build Something Together


082 990 2893


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